Saturday, July 2, 2011


There comes a moment in life when a girl gets to dress from head to toe in luxury items, priming and pampering themselves to prepare for what is known as formal night.
Now, my formal night was fairly laid back. The entire senior part of my school dressed up to the nines and had what was probably one of the best nights of my life. Everywhere I looked boys looked dashing in suits of charcoal and and dark grey. Girls looked like princesses wearing a variety of dresses of all different colours, cuts and lengths. Everyone congregated around tables chatting or partying it up on the dance floor while shooting flirtatious looks towards the cute dj (ok, that was probably just the girls).

Now for photo's!

I didn't get any full body shots of just myself so here is one of my father and I.

My dress and shoes are from Forever New and my Jewelery is from Collete.

This is the only photo I could find that showed off my makeup. I did it all myself which I was rather proud of :)

Face: - Maybelline Matte Mousse liquid foundation in Porceleine Ivory.
- Face of Australia stick foundation in Outback Ivory.
- Loreal concealer.
- A cheap bronzer with no shimmer.
- MAC Mineralised blush in Dainty.
- MAC blush in Margin.

Eyes: - MAC Rubenesque paintpot.
- MAC eyeshadow in Retrospect (Lid, inner corner and under eye).
- MAC eyeshadow in All That Glitters (Outer half of lid, under eye).
- MAC eyeshadow in Woodwinked (Crease, under eye).
- Aveno eyeshadow in Bronze (Crease)
- MAC eyeshadow in Sable (Outer corner)
- MAC eyeshadow in Brule (Highlighter)
- Rimmel eye kohl in Black.
- Maybelline XXL Volume Mascara
- Maybelline XXL Length Mascara

Lips: -Bayonelle lipgloss in a clear shimmer colour.

I had my hair done at the hairdressers. I loved it!

This is my friend Jaimee

My good friend Luke and I.

And of course a few silly ones!

It was a night I'll remember for a very long time.

Ciao x

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm alive, I swear.

Why hello world, have you missed me?

So I know I promised a fair bit after my last absense but for some reason I just couldn't bring my self to do it. Call it lack of blogging confidence if you must.

Anyway, life has been a whirlwind of drama for me lately. I have been working my but off at school and at my job which I am sad to say I no longer have after being made redundant. I have witnessed petty fights, heartbreak and pur hatred for the world; but what teenager doesn't experience those things?

These days I feel as if everything is going to last for ever and that boy that didn't want me will always leave me heartbroken and scared; but then I focus on reality and all those things seem so silly. Why do we encourage ourselves to be caught up in the troubles on the present when we should be realising that they shouldn't matter in the future.

I promise to try and blog atleast once ever two weeks!

Now for le pictures.

This here is my bestfriend and almost sister, Tianna.

This is my friend Matthew and I at St. Kilda beach which is really quite beautiful. don't mind the no makeup, I havn't been wearing it for almost a week in an attempt to clear my skin up for formal. Also that cardie will be apart of a haul coming soon.

This is myself wearing a raincoat at school because Melbourne's weather is that cold!

Ciao my ladies x

Friday, December 17, 2010

I am a horrible blogger!

Hey guys!

I know it's been forever since I have updated but I am planning a few more posts to make up for it inlcuding what to carry in your beach bag ect.

Well it's finally summer here in Aus but since Melbourne weather seems a little bi-polar I don'tthink anyone would call it summer. But it's still a festive season with christmas a week away! Who's excited?

Anyway, my reason for not updating is that I was stressing and studying for exams, and then when school finished I had been busy with friends and family.

But now i'm back and to make up for my absence I thought I would update some pictures of things I have been doing and pictures that have been making me giggle c:

These are my friends Evi and Sammy in my friend Tianna's bathroom.

This is my friends Mel and Raima chillin in the girls toilets at school haha.

This is Mel and I attempting to study haha.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Hey girlies,

So on the 5th of November I turned 15. It was a great day spent with my family and friends, I seriously could not of asked for a better birthday.

I was spoilt by my friends at school, got alot of love from my family and spent the night at my cousins 13th having paint fights :)

Here are a few pictures -

Paint fight with my cousin Laura :)

These girls <3

My friend proposed to me <3

And these cuties made me this.

My amazing girls <3

It was amazing.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Update :)

Hey girlies,

So it'smy second week back at school and I am really cracking down. I have been doing homework EVERY night, which is a first for me and I have also been working on extended work for nearly all of my classes to get me ahead.

I really am set for my exams coming up. I am trying to get in as much imformation as I can. That means studying harder in class, sitting away from my friends who like to chat and giving into my teachers nags to put me in advanced placement.

So I am so sorry that I havn't updated in a while. Honestly I don't know what to say because I don't know what you like to hear and I have no clue if anyone actually reads my posts. But it also doesn't bother me, I am getting my voice out and that' what counts.

I will promise to do a daily makeup routine for you and try and get in some photo's that I have takn recently.

But in the meantime I think you should all follow my favorite blogger, Faye Cavania. Her blog is

Bye :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I went shopping :D

Hey girlies,

I just got back from Chadstone which, if you know melbourne, is THE place to shop.

Here is what I got..

Slouchy jumper from Cotton On

Top from Supre

Light blue jeans from Cotton On
Dark blue jeans from Factorie

I also painted my nails a pretty glitter colour :)

And I painted my room :)

What have you been up to lately?

Catherine x

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The post I couldn't think of a title for.

Hey everyone,

It is still school holidays and I have just gotten back from an everlasting sleepover with my dear friend Kelly. Whilst being struck with a case of utter boredom I decided to google the eminent Tavi Gevenson after I saw her being named a gen z style icon. Her blog is extremely well managed and celebrated but I did notice a few things. She posts lengthy blogposts of intelligent and clever writing that is loved by the fashion industry, but I, a meer 15 year old, found myself bored. I was so bored with her droning that I found myself scrolling down the page looking at the pretty and intricate pictures.

Do you read the devastatingly long posts?

Or are you like me and prefer to examine the pictures?

I would really like to know how you feel about blogs with never-ending posts.

Or maybe we could try and do a blog with a few lenghty posts and a few of those refreshing posts that contain lots of pretty pictures and simple writing.

Yours forever, Catherine.